Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope

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Why do people look for Auspicious Time?

  1. Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope
  2. Astronomy Horoscope Lucky Numbers Today
  3. Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope Susan Miller

Lucky time of today, tomorrow round the week from date of birth was my innovation from Indian astrology in 2006. The work is unique and wonderful. Lucky time slots rotate every day of a week in different time span starting from Sunrise round the clock. 19febOverview of the Day February 19, 2021 Daily Overview (Overview of the Day: friday) EST Event Type:Daily Overview Details Friday, FEBRUARY 19 Competitive energy is with us today with squares between Venus and Mars and the lights. Daily Horoscope for all signs. provides over 30 combinations of free daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes in a variety of interests including love for singles and couples, gay or straight, finance, travel, career, moms, teens, cats and dogs.

Is it a superstition to look for an auspicious time to do something? Many people think that it is a mere superstition to look for auspicious day and time when planing the events. How to download powerpoint on pc. This is because they cannot find any scientific reasons behind that.

However, people looking for auspicious day and time might have psychological or spiritual reasons. They follow their culture, believe their faith, and respect Nature. Their subconsciouses guide them with a thing to do and pursue peace of mind. There is nothing wrong to find your auspicious day and time for your special occasions. But if you look for an auspicious time for every single event, then you are too superstitious.

When do people look for Auspicious Time?

To look for an auspicious time or hours is different from looking for an auspicious day. The auspicious time is talking about a couple of hours. The good examples are a job interview, wedding ceremony, business deal talk, special announcement, sign contract, blind-dating, gambling or temple/church ceremony.

How do we look for the Auspicious Time?

We can find the auspicious hours of each day from the Chinese Farmer's Almanac. That is calculated from the Stem-Branch calendar of Chinese Astrology. The Stems are 10 Yin-Yang Five Elements and the Branches are 12 animal signs. The unit of the Chinese astrological hour is two hours long. The auspicious hour is determined by the relationships between daily Stem-Branch and the hourly Stem-Branch. If they have an attractive relationship, then the astrological hour is considered as auspicious. Sibelius 8 3 0 download free. If they have a fighting relationship, then the astrological hour is considered as unlucky.

Chinese astrology is developed from Chinese I-Ching divination, which is the philosophy of the universe. I-Ching guides us to take action to meet with success and warns us to walk away from dangers. If you follow the law of Nature, we take advantage of the secret knowledge of Nature and we can make a smarter decision.

Master Tsai's Recommendations

Auspicious Chinese astrological hours last only for two long. If you need a longer auspicious time, then you should look for an auspicious day. If you want to find a personal lucky day by considering the factor of your birthday, then we have a free tool for you to find your Favorable Day for Your Appointments. Wipeout for free.

If you don't know your Lucky Element, then you should find it out from your Chinese astrology birth chart. Win roulette every time. Then you will know which day is your lucky day from our Chinese Daily Horoscopes.

For the auspicious wedding day, it needs extra time to find it out because it involves two person's birthdays. Itubedownloader 6 4 for mac free download. We have Chinese Farmer's Calendar software to search the auspicious wedding days for you.

Chinese Astrology and Lucky Elements

Lucky Element tells people when the good fortune comes. The following are free Chinese astrology applications based on the concept of the Lucky Element.

Find a Romantic Day for Dating

If you want to schedule a sweet dating event, then you should use this free Love Match tool to pick an auspicious and harmonious date for your dating. You can use the same tool to plan any appointment if you wish a happy ending. What you have to do is to enter your birthday, select a future day, and then choose a higher score date.

Romantic Places for Dating

This is an application of the Chinese Feng Shui theory. There is your romantic place in a house and the best romantic corner in a room connected to your birth year. If you know the location and stay there often, it will help you to attract the opposite sex. If you are looking for love, this is worth a try. If you are in love, then it helps you to have a sweet and long-lasting love relationship.If you are a salesperson, this can help you to find new customers, too.

Your Most Compatible Birthdays

Chinese Fortune Angel Love Match report tells you the most compatible birthdays versus your birthday. It uses three different astrology methods to calculate the best love matching scores. So you can find your ideal companions from the Dating or Matchmaking Services.

Astrology Chart of Your Lover

You can check the Rise and Fall Astrology Chart for yourself. It's the same thing that you can peek the Rise and Fall Chart of your partner. So you will know when is the best time for the relationship with that person. Also, you will know his or her favorite color, season, taste and places.

Love Compatibility Test 101

If you don't know who your ideal companion is, then you should learn how to find a compatible person using Chinese Zodiac signs. We have all Chinese Love Compatibility Test tools here. We will tell you when you will in love, where your romantic places are and which days are good for dating.

Select Auspicious Wedding Date

Planning for a precious and splendid wedding will take months, even a year. Many couples are serious to pick an auspicious wedding day for their weddings. This application derives from the Chinese Farmer's software to tell people which days are lucky for weeding or engagement. By combing the tool of planning for the happy event, you should be able to the best wedding in the period you desire. If this is too complicated, then you can ask Master Tsai to pick the auspicious wedding day for you.
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Simply looking back on the astrology of 2020 is an exhausting task. Thankfully, 2021's cosmic forecast looks less rocky — and a new year also means we have a whole new batch of lucky days in astrology to look forward to. While some planetary aspects have the power to sprinkle magic over everyone's day, there are always going to be especially auspicious moments that affect certain people more than others. So when you find out the luckiest day of 2021 for your zodiac sign, you'll want to mark your calendar.

While there are still some tough ongoing planetary battles going down through 2021, there's some luck on our side. We can look forward to fewer retrogrades in 2021, as well as a fortunate conjunction between love planet Venus and passion planet Mars that only happens every two years.


When thinking about luck in astrology in general, it's important to look to the two planets known as the benefic planets in astrology, which are Venus and Jupiter. The term 'benefic' refers to the planets' reputations as being generally positive and bringing a beneficial influence to a horoscope. Venus, known as the 'lesser benefic,' is the planet of love, luxury, and pleasure — so positive Venus aspects often indicate highly enjoyable, sensual, or fortunate experiences. Jupiter is known as the 'greater benefic,' because this is the planet of good luck itself. Jupiter rules over good fortune, big opportunities, high aspirations, and bountiful abundance — and it brings a positive outlook and sense of optimism to almost everything it touches.

What will you do on the luckiest day of 2021 for your zodiac sign? Read on to see what kind of magic the planets have in store for you next year and start planning your lucky-day party.

Luckiest day: March 26, 2021

When love planet Venus and the creative sun form an alignment in the zodiac (an aspect known as the 'Venus Star Point'), it brings magic, romance, and the thrill of a new and pleasurable beginning — and it shines a warm spotlight on our dreamiest desires. In 2021, this auspicious conjunction is taking place in your sign, Aries, which is bestowing you with the luck of love and making your birthday season extra special. 'Love is a splendid thing as the Venus Star Point aligns with your sun, starting a whole new romantic journey in matters of the heart,' astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. Expect to feel butterflies in your stomach, in a good way.

Luckiest day: January 17, 2021

Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope


When thinking about luck in astrology in general, it's important to look to the two planets known as the benefic planets in astrology, which are Venus and Jupiter. The term 'benefic' refers to the planets' reputations as being generally positive and bringing a beneficial influence to a horoscope. Venus, known as the 'lesser benefic,' is the planet of love, luxury, and pleasure — so positive Venus aspects often indicate highly enjoyable, sensual, or fortunate experiences. Jupiter is known as the 'greater benefic,' because this is the planet of good luck itself. Jupiter rules over good fortune, big opportunities, high aspirations, and bountiful abundance — and it brings a positive outlook and sense of optimism to almost everything it touches.

What will you do on the luckiest day of 2021 for your zodiac sign? Read on to see what kind of magic the planets have in store for you next year and start planning your lucky-day party.

Luckiest day: March 26, 2021

When love planet Venus and the creative sun form an alignment in the zodiac (an aspect known as the 'Venus Star Point'), it brings magic, romance, and the thrill of a new and pleasurable beginning — and it shines a warm spotlight on our dreamiest desires. In 2021, this auspicious conjunction is taking place in your sign, Aries, which is bestowing you with the luck of love and making your birthday season extra special. 'Love is a splendid thing as the Venus Star Point aligns with your sun, starting a whole new romantic journey in matters of the heart,' astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Bustle. Expect to feel butterflies in your stomach, in a good way.

Luckiest day: January 17, 2021

Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope

Astronomy Horoscope Lucky Numbers Today

Uranus, planet of change, will be journeying through your sign all through 2021, continuing a theme of awakening and inspiration in your life. In January, a square aspect between Uranus and lucky planet Jupiter could kick-start something new and exciting in your professional life. 'The direction of your career may take a wild turn for the better when Jupiter and Uranus square off on January 17,' Stardust says. While these sudden shake-ups could be overwhelming for some, your patient nature ensures you're able to take advantage of all its blessings. What's more is that an energizing square between Mars and Jupiter that same week boosts your motivation and ambition even further.

Luckiest day: May 31, 2021

In astrology, the North Node represents fate, destiny, and the direction of our future — and it's spending 2021 in your sign, Gemini, which helps to align you with your true path. On May 31, in the middle of Gemini season, the North Node with form a conjunction aspect with your sun sign, bringing loads of luck and magic. 'The North Node aligns with your sun, pushing you toward the limelight,' Stardust says. Be ready to embrace your star qualities and take steps toward your destiny, because good fortune will be on your side today.

Luckiest day: June 23, 2021

Just after Cancer season begins, we'll experience a gorgeous trine aspect between the sun and abundant planet Jupiter in Pisces on June 23, bringing a special boost of good luck to Cancers especially. Trines are the most harmonious astrological aspects of them all, and lucky Jupiter is super comfortable in Pisces (as it rules over this dreamy water sign in traditional astrology). This alignment will bring you optimism, generosity, and good fortune. A second trine on the same day between dreamy Neptune and lovely Venus (who is also in your sign on this date, lighting up your sign with romance) will sprinkle fairy dust over your life and help to activate your most pleasurable fantasies.

Is Today My Lucky Day Horoscope Susan Miller

Luckiest day: July 13, 2021

Love planet Venus and power planet Mars are aligning for a once-every-two-years tryst in your zodiac sign on July 13, Leo — so get ready to feel a climax of magic when it comes to both romance and creativity. This rare and lucky aspect launches you into a new relationship cycle that can bring much-welcome fresh energy to your love life and re-invigorate your creativity when it comes to passion projects. You'll be bursting with inspiratio and romance, making life feel super exciting and ensuring that pleasure and romance are waiting for you around every corner. Take advantage of this creative boost as you usher in a new cycle.

Luckiest day: July 12, 2021

Lucky planet Jupiter will dip into Pisces twice this year, lighting up your house of partnerships and bringing loads of new opportunities in love — which can help you smooth out any issues in relationships and deepen your romantic bonds. 'When Jupiter enters Pisces on May 13 to July 28 and then from December 28 into 2022, love will take you to new heights and emotions,' Stardust says. This energy will peak on July 12 when your ruling planet Mercury will form a harmonious trine aspect with Jupiter in Pisces, bringing clarity, open-mindedness, and depth to your communication within partnerships.

Luckiest day: September 6, 2021

Having your ruling planet Venus in your sign brings out your artistic sensibilities, romantic feels, and your taste for luxury, Libra — so when Venus forms a magical trine aspect with Jupiter on September 6, those feelings will go into overdrive. The two benefic planets are aligning in your favor today, boosting your pleasure to new heights and bringing you a love-story-esque romance of epic proportions. And with lucky Jupiter in your house of dating and creativity, you'll be capable of succeeding at anything that brings you joy today.

Luckiest day: November 17, 2021

Your ruling planet Pluto is known for its intensity, but when it aligns with your sun sign on November 17 in a positive sextile aspect, you're going to feel like you've fully stepped into your power, Scorpio. This potent alignment during your birthday season helps you mesh your shadow side with your external self, making it possible to turn your pain into rich inspiration that can transform you. An added boost of energy comes from fiery Mars in your sign, which is forming another harmonious sextile with love planet Venus. This flirty aspect will bring an added dose of both passion and pleasure to your endeavors today, making it a perfect day to chase after any and all of your personal goals.

Luckiest day: May 21, 2021

During the spring, your ruling planet Jupiter (planet of good luck himself) will move into dreamy Pisces, lighting up your emotional life and bringing comfort and good fortune to your living situation. On May 21, just a week after Jupiter's lucky move in your chart, you'll have a boost of energy to your love life, as the creative sun, romantic Venus, and communication-focused Mercury will cluster together in your house of partnerships. A powerful trine aspect between Venus and Saturn on the same day will give your relationships lasting power, while the moon in your house of public recognition will show off your best qualities to others. If you want to make a move in love, today's the day to shoot your shot and build something long lasting.

Luckiest day: August 23, 2021

While your ruling planet Saturn isn't necessarily known for bringing good luck, it'll be aligning with romantic Venus in a harmonious trine aspect on August 23. This will activate your house of career and public recognition and practically guaranteeing success in everything you touch at work. You're feeling deeply connected to your professional endeavors right now and deriving great value from your contributions, and this fortunate alignment will solidify your standing, boost your creativity, and help you forge a career path for yourself that's built to last. Today is full of opportunities for recognition, so make some power moves, Capricorn!

Luckiest day: February 11, 2021

This is an extremely high-powered day full of opportunities for you, Aquarius, as there's a powerful new moon in your sign that's offering you a chance to shed your old skins and totally reinvent yourself. Additionally, lucky planets Venus and Jupiter are forming an exact conjunction in your sign on the same day as the new moon, which explodes your luck and brings romance, pleasure, abundance, and luxury. This all leads up to the first of several Saturn/Uranus squares that'll rock your world, which occur three days later. The energy of the day is brimming with possibilities, and you'll find joyful opportunities around every corner.

Luckiest day: June 21, 2021

With expansive Jupiter dipping into your sign on two separate occasions this year, you can practically guarantee that luck and abundance are headed your way, Pisces. But on June 21, you'll feel the gorgeous effects of a powerful grand water trine, during which the emotional moon, romantic Venus, and dreamy Neptune will align in the most harmonious connection possible. With your ruling planet Neptune in your sign (and the moon and Venus lighting up your houses of pleasure and knowledge), this is a day for flirting, fun, creative endeavors, and expanding your horizons. No fantasy is too far out of reach, so allow your feelings to flow and reach for the stars.

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